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River Restoration

Rivers are vital arteries that support life across the world and River Restoration is critical to ensuring they thrive. Our team of experts are skilled at restoring and enhancing a variety of rivers, from small tributaries, all the way up to estuarine habitats and chalk streams.


Environmental protection is at the heart of what we do, with our river restoration projects being carried out in a way which ensures the greatest environmental gain for the available budget.


What is it?


River restoration is required to restore the natural processes of a river. Alterations in the geomorphology can enable a river to function naturally, as well as affecting the surrounding habitats.


Common methods used in river restoration projects include:


  • bed level raising;

  • flood plain reconnection;

  • re-meandering;

  • soft revetments;

  • bank protection;

  • fish passage improvement.




There are a number of reasons why river restoration can benefit a project, including the following:


  • Help achieve targets for biodiversity net gain;

  • Solve erosion problems;

  • Structural issue remidiation;

  • Reduce flood risk;

  • Enhance a local habitat

  • Contribute to wider ecological improvements;

  • Improve amenity benefits, such as angling and tourism;

  • Control river temperatures;

  • Improve water framework classification.


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