River Condition Assessments
Improvements flow from here
Water Framework Directive
Ensure that your project gets the green light from a regulator through our Water Framework Directive (WFD) Assessment.
When do I need a WFD Assessment?
WFD compliance assessments are typically done on developments to achieve good qualitative and quantitative status of all waterbodies involved in the development. WDF is a key component to make sure that the environment is protected.
We offer early contractor involvement, assistance to design and construct schemes, and work with developers to build in cost-effective WFD improvements as part of the development. Getting a WFD assessment early in the project will ensure your project can finish on time and on budget.
We can undertake WFD compliance screening assessments and further assessments to ensure your project gains regulatory approval.
We will also provides advise and design environmental mitigation for your scheme, data searches, review of River Basin Management Plans, baseline data collection, liaison with regulatory bodies, compliance assessment and more.